John W. DeFeo

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Superhighway 98

I fell in love with the web in the 1990s. It felt a place to connect, learn and discover; not a tool used to divide, misinform and reinforce beliefs. I’ve since grown tired of clickbait, SEO, spammers, excessive advertisements and a big brother who watches everything. Nevertheless, there are websites that feel like an oasis. Here is a 100-link directory that is reminiscent of how I remember the web.


Research, statistics, wisdom and resources.

Art and Culture

Artwork, insights, trends and cultural events.


Opportunities to do good when doing well.


Things to read, watch and listen to.

Dining and Drinks

Spirited beverages and where to have them.


Rational guidance for irrational markets.

Health and Medicine

Diagnostic guides, discoveries and alerts.

Fitness and Nutrition

Exercises, dietary guidelines and general wellness.


Noble attempts to avoid doomed repetition.

Hotlines and Help

For incidents, accidents and emergencies.


Things to touch (other than a keyboard).

Local and Weather

Neighborhood news, events, classifieds and forecasts.


Antidotes to easily forgotten things.

News and Journalism

Headlines, investigations and under the radar developments.

Science and Technology

Discoveries, analyses and hypotheses.


Books, gadgets, gear and cars.

Self Improvement

Math, language and new skills.


Data and statistics without commentary.


Destinations, itineraries, deals and advisories.


Useful websites with a clear purpose.